Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Tight Girdles For Men

On 11, 12 and May 13 Educational Days were held for 25 years SUTEBA Education Region IX (Moreno, San Miguel, Malvinas Argentinas José C. Paz).

on day 11 the day had its local counterpart CENCAL facilities, while 12 and 13 of them were developed in the UNGS.

Before an audience packed to overflowing with plants and over 300 education workers met with members of social, educational authorities and trade associations to celebrate the first quarter century of the labor union.

La Jornada developed Moreno was not only very emotional because it reminded comrades that are no longer physically, as Maria Cristina Cournou-disappeared during the dictatorship, "Miguel Etchegoyen, Myriam Borgonovo, Marco Di Pieri; Horacio Becerra, Anna Gatti, "Nanín" Svetlich Orlando, Pedro Kaszyeki, and Argentine-founder of SUTEBA Valenzuela Moreno Branch.

After the first day, Mariana Cattaneo (Secretary General of SUTEBA Moreno) expressed satisfaction exulting in his face, asked about it said "we begin a journey of reconstructing the history of the birth of our branch together with our brothers and sisters" in the same line said "we could make a deserved tribute to those comrades who have preceded us in the struggle for a different country and no longer with us physically, teachers, artists, social activists in the district. "

Days After the UNGS where more than 700 teachers from four districts, where part of a space training with exhibitors and Hugo Yasky, Eduardo Rinessi, Stella Maldonado and Pablo Llonto among others and also had space for reflection on educational practice, the young trade union leader said "they are indispensable training spaces and discussion groups where they can listen to diverse voices and topics, where classmates and teachers to think about taking your work project account the complex reality around us and the wonderful historical time that we have to star in many Latin American countries, "concluded

Mariana Cattaneo
CTA Secretary General
Merlo-Moreno Regional


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