Sunday, May 31, 2009

سريالnero Express

between the erotic and porn LO

These days enacted in the City of Bogota an agreement to amend the Police Code and avoid, as the Mayor, that children and teens see naked bodies. The idea is that in any setting bodies can show nudity or pornographic descriptions (in the words of the Act), for young people to see. I guess that the Mayor will want to target in some way to something that has to do with education left ... but I do not understand what it is.

Now the next step is when the state must come to define what the hell does "pornographic descriptions." Then reappears eternal argument between moralists and artists who have tried to find the exact place where it differs from porno erotic, without satisfactory results. People, for various reasons, seem to run away from the image of another human being naked, as if they recognized in the other-or maybe-monsters themselves when stripped of their clothes.

From my point of view is nothing but hypocrisy (and a demonstration of "tremendous desire" to have our Lord Mayor to get to work on serious things), but again emphasize the enormous error which is the State comes to decide and impose on those things that are his. To me, at least, it bothers me that the Council come and tell me what I consider as art and as pornography, more so in this era when anyone can go online and find out what pleases you that is like, with or without state permission.

deprecated now the Song of Songs or Sor Juana Inés de la Cruz, the Venus de Milo or Cabanel, sure that is porn which they see in art, will be a man without honor.

Saturday, May 23, 2009

How To Update An Old Bathroon Vanity

Image Circleline

news came out today, that in the U.S. are looking for a mother who fled with his son after the child was diagnosed with cancer and was "necessary" practicable chemotherapy and radiotherapy. The mother, a supporter of natural medicine, disagreed with the proposed treatment did doctors and decided to flee.

gives me a particular feeling of astonishment at the reaction of the doctors and the same State, in a sense policing, is looking for two "fugitives" with orders to capture, simply for wanting to seek an alternative to invasive methods that doctors regard as the only option. My knowledge of medicine are few (if not zero), but seeing as I am concerned that both defend the freedom of Americans can be brought even to force someone to carry a medical treatment with which you disagree.

It turns out that not only is the only western science can save people, but also we must receive it by binding command, ignoring any other alternative. The ability to self-determination people seem to have lost all value in our days that supposedly live in "freer" and more options to choose from. Is then proven that in this world of freedom we can choose what they want ... as long as we choose what is imposed.

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Converting Bathtub To Hand Shower


spoken in the world of great coffee from Colombia, the "world's best." But what is really the Colombian coffee? Describes this product as if the coffee produced by our country was only one, when in reality is a mixture uncontrolled various types of coffee produced in the country. Here, we have not yet realized the value that would promote initiatives and legislation calls about appellations of origin, which would allow standardization in the production of our famous coffee.

To achieve a real exploitation of the full potential of Colombian coffee would be advisable to first create an inner awareness about this product. Consumers should begin to know that different regions produce different coffees, or that some care must be taken during the grinding process or preparation of the drink so that its characteristics are the appropriate level.

The problem appear when people stop consuming Tinto (brew "generic" based on any type of coffee and prepared in general inadequately) and began seeking cafes with names. At this point, it would jeopardize the business of exporting the best coffee produced in the country and stop selling to the domestic mix of "what could not take" with lower quality beans imported from Peru, Ecuador and Vietnam. At the end of the day, what matters is that coffee generates income for the "development" of the country and not to stay in these places with palates that believe "underdeveloped."

__________________ PS: And to not be alone in my criticism, I leave a brief explanation of Mauricio Duque on coffee and its preparation http://enmediodelruido.blogspot .com/2009/09/cafe-entre-gustos-no-hay-disgustos-pero.html

PS2: A BBC news about the importation of coffee in Colombia during 2009

Monday, May 4, 2009

Holding Arms Up Causes Ache

I recently read an article Newsweek called " Me Generation "on young Westernized and complaints about our huge egos. There is now a widespread belief among young people, that everything you want can be achieved, and the truth is that little or nothing has been filed on his way. There has been no great war, no major financial crises and incurable epidemics come to shake the guts of people in recent years.

By contrast, the modern (and postmodern way) have the elements necessary for individuals to show themselves as they want to be seen. The new information technologies allow a youth to express their views in real time and with a limit of distributing billions of people around the world. With such an audience, why not be advertised on yourself?

The problem is not self-esteem or access to the media. The drawbacks arise when people forget the possibility to have on hand to grow and grow (intellectually, spiritually and emotionally) and are engaged in shaping protopersonalidades egos and based solely on the images, creating vast hordes of little Rock Stars.

The good or bad this is not our business. What we do our responsibility is to what extent we are becoming a generation deeply unconscious of their surroundings, their problems and even herself, but with an irresponsible worship the image. I just hope that, contrary to the myth of Narcissus, we do not drown in love chasing our reflection in the water.

PS: I recently saw this video of Lindsay Lohan " promoted " itself ... quite adequate.