need an urgent response to our legitimate demands
WEDNESDAY 18: PARO and initiation of VIGIL
According to the decision in the General Assembly held on Wednesday 11, attended by approximately 150 classmates tomorrow Wednesday 18 and Thursday 19 May we will be undertaking the following measures of strength:
24 hours (from 0 and up to 24)
12 hours: Concentration in the door of Alem 650.
13 hours, we started our vigil, waiting for concrete solutions to our demands
(in tomorrow inform the schedule of activities planned under the Vigil).
* THURSDAY 19 / 5:
13 hours: Closed VIGIL, with action in front of Alem 650 (for the rest of the country, we propose that in this day and time ASSEMBLIES made in the workplace).
Finally, we clarify in particular that in the case of units of the Central Region of the country (Córdoba, Rosario, Santa Fe, Paraná, Concordia and Resistance), Greater Buenos Aires and La Plata (see announcement below), decision majority of the assemblies of those places, unemployment will be extended by 48 hours (Wednesday 18 and Thursday 19), a resolution that has the absolute support of the relevant Sectional ATE in these districts and our International Board.
Now more than ever, we invite all colleagues to join and participate. Among
everyone can and will succeed. **********************************************
( Announcements disseminate de las Regionales Centro del país y Conurbano bonaerense de ATE-Trabajo)
Regional Centro MTEySSConvoca Paro Nacional de 48 horas: Miércoles 18 y Jueves 19 de mayoLas Delegaciones Regionales y Gecales de Córdoba, Rosario, Santa Fe, Paraná, Concordia y Resistencia, agrupadas en la Regional Centro – ATE – MTEySS, han resuelto convocar a un paro de 48hs para los días 18 y 19 del corriente.La medida de fuerza es consecuencia de la falta de respuestas satisfactorias a nuestros reclamos:
· Recomposición salarial de $1000 de carácter urgente. Recomposición salarial para los sectores nacionales más atrasados (Personal Civil de las FFAA y SINEP)·
Regularization of all temporary contracts (fixed term monotributistas) of the public administration nacional.Este unemployment responds more organization to the continued silence of our authorities. We believe that we must stay in the fight to impose a fair negotiation that respects our role as workers and our representation sindical.Nos convened for Wednesday 18 to perform an active strike, with various public, to inform the public the blatant contradiction in incurring the ministry of the "8000 conflicts resolved" by refusing to respond to the conflict of their workers. On Thursday 19 mode will stop without assistance to trabajo.Asismismo more we remind our authorities that there is no single public policy that is viable without the efforts of workers and therefore require that we consider as the essential gear of the state and in such sentidoAcompañamos recozca us with our measures those made in the rest of the country, both inside the CABA. Ours is a single conflict, a single claim, a single fist pounding from the unity of the workers. *************************************************
Suburbs Regional
************************* MTEySS
ATE 48-hour strike Wednesday 18 and Thursday 19 May
as resolved in the assemblies developed in the workplace, DR and Gecal Lomas de Zamora, DR and Gecal San Martín, Gecal La Matanza, and Gecal La Plata, the Regional Suburbs Working ATE Resolved
- Adhering and actively participate in the strike to watch General Assembly proposed by the Board ATE Internal Labour.
- Foster a stop for 48 hours (Wednesday 18 and Thursday 19) with mobilization to the headquarters of the Ministry of Labor on Wednesday 18, located at Alem 650, Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires, to actively participate in the vigil proposal.
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