Health care workers enrolled in the National Federation of Health Professionals in Argentina (Fesprosa), chaired by Jorge Yabkowski, today made a strike for 24 hours at hospitals in the provinces of Córdoba, Salta and Tucuman, represented by APSAD local guilds, and IBTS UTS, respectively. Neuquén continuing conflict in the province and Buenos Aires will be mobilized professionals Thursday to lick the return of the deductions made by the Government of Scioli in the latest conflict and who are considered "part of an anti-union campaign."
"The conflict in the health sector has not origin in corporate claims, as President Cristina Fernandez said, but in the abandonment of public health and the complete absence of willingness to negotiate by the National Government and the provinces, "said Yabkowski, who said that" this week will be strikes and demonstrations health workers in Buenos Aires, Buenos Aires, Cordoba, Tucuman, Salta and Neuquen.
"The Minister (of Health of Argentina Juan) Manzur does not receive the Fesprosa since taking office, there is parity for professionals and Garrahan Posadas, the negotiation is closed by decree in Neuquén sanctions are discriminatory Buenos Aires; close agreements with unions of the CGT on the backs of the bases in Córdoba, Salta and Tucuman, which are only able to aggravate the conflict, "he said.
Autoconvocados The Union of Health Workers (IBTS) of Tucumán stop tomorrow, more than a week after he placed a tent in the central square of the provincial capital (Independence). "The audience voted to strike no places of work for the May 18 demonstration at noon with" detailed. Both in Tucumán and in the other provinces, covering the minimum guard and attend to the patients, as in all measures of force taken by the enrolled in the Fesprosa guilds.
The Union of Health Workers (UTS) of Cordoba morning stop within the province and the capital, demanding "wages and white, not less than the basic food basket, adequate human resources in number and properly trained to meet rapidly growing demand, repudiation of all actions aimed at dividing the workers through wage differentials and compensation claims outside the union; repudiation of official action aimed at cutting, censor and limit freedom of association definitive end to precarious work (Monotributo) promoted by the state, " among other things.
For its part, the Association of Health Professionals in the province of Salta (APSAD) announced a 24-hour strike Wednesday morning, also for May 18. Call the "money amounts unpaid (they go to the base salary); restructuring wages according to the regional food basket, 82% of the total mobile phone from the pay; solve the problem of poor health, and the urgent reopening of the table wage bargaining. " Doctors and Health professionals convened at 10:00 Salta to the entire community to participate in the concentration in the Plaza IV centuries, and later marched through the streets of the city. "It's a more direct action by the lack of replies to ministerial authorities petitions made by the Operational Areas," they said.
On the other hand, the Union of Professional Public Health Neuquén (SiProSaPuNe) said "very much upset" of its unionized workers "by the signing of Decree 864/11 to the wage proposal was not approved and validated by assembly workers. " Anticipated that the measure will "fall pens" and similar arrangements, for example, "avoiding non-medical tasks such as tuition or professional" and "Plan Nacer." SiProSaPuNe stopped on Thursday May 12 and decide the next steps on Wednesday 18 in the assembly held at the Hospital Castro Rendón.
Another guild seriously conflict with the provincial and national government is the Professional Association of Health of the Province of Buenos Aires (CICOP), which held this Thursday 19's "Day to Combat Provincial." Demanding the "immediate return of the days of the strike discounts to members" with a mobilization and action against the hospital Eva Peron (ex Castex) at 11:00 and assemblies, meetings and demonstrations in all 77 hospitals Buenos Aires.
"will continue to demand with legal union action and the return of deductions made in the holdings of March. The action plan will depend CICOP government responses to our demands on the technical committee meeting scheduled for Wednesday 18 (May), "anticipated the union president, Hugo Love
Wednesday, May 18, 2011
Dooney And Bourke Swot
organizations that have Guevarista life the IV International (CGI Guevarista Internationalist Coordinator) on 6, 7 and 8 May 2011 in Montevideo, Uruguay, expressed the utmost sympathy for the Palestinian people's resistance against Zionism, and especially how to comrades of the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine which represent for us, the most advanced in the fight for the liberation of their homeland and consider siblings and peers. Because, as revolutionary organizations, we need to react to the aggression of imperialism, of which Zionism is the most dangerous component.
In the spirit of proletarian internationalism that Commander Ernesto "Che" Guevara has taught us, we stress our solidarity with Palestinian militant comrades and our commitment to the release of their leader comrade Ahmad Saadat, a symbol of the Zionist struggle. Forward
for the overthrow of capitalism and imperialism!
Forward to lay the groundwork for building a socialist society!
organizations that have Guevarista life the IV International (CGI Guevarista Internationalist Coordinator) on 6, 7 and 8 May 2011 in Montevideo, Uruguay, expressed the utmost sympathy for the Palestinian people's resistance against Zionism, and especially how to comrades of the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine which represent for us, the most advanced in the fight for the liberation of their homeland and consider siblings and peers. Because, as revolutionary organizations, we need to react to the aggression of imperialism, of which Zionism is the most dangerous component.
In the spirit of proletarian internationalism that Commander Ernesto "Che" Guevara has taught us, we stress our solidarity with Palestinian militant comrades and our commitment to the release of their leader comrade Ahmad Saadat, a symbol of the Zionist struggle. Forward
for the overthrow of capitalism and imperialism!
Forward to lay the groundwork for building a socialist society!
Why Do Black People Have Red Eyes?
need an urgent response to our legitimate demands
WEDNESDAY 18: PARO and initiation of VIGIL
According to the decision in the General Assembly held on Wednesday 11, attended by approximately 150 classmates tomorrow Wednesday 18 and Thursday 19 May we will be undertaking the following measures of strength:
24 hours (from 0 and up to 24)
12 hours: Concentration in the door of Alem 650.
13 hours, we started our vigil, waiting for concrete solutions to our demands
(in tomorrow inform the schedule of activities planned under the Vigil).
* THURSDAY 19 / 5:
13 hours: Closed VIGIL, with action in front of Alem 650 (for the rest of the country, we propose that in this day and time ASSEMBLIES made in the workplace).
Finally, we clarify in particular that in the case of units of the Central Region of the country (Córdoba, Rosario, Santa Fe, Paraná, Concordia and Resistance), Greater Buenos Aires and La Plata (see announcement below), decision majority of the assemblies of those places, unemployment will be extended by 48 hours (Wednesday 18 and Thursday 19), a resolution that has the absolute support of the relevant Sectional ATE in these districts and our International Board.
Now more than ever, we invite all colleagues to join and participate. Among
everyone can and will succeed. **********************************************
( Announcements disseminate de las Regionales Centro del país y Conurbano bonaerense de ATE-Trabajo)
Regional Centro MTEySSConvoca Paro Nacional de 48 horas: Miércoles 18 y Jueves 19 de mayoLas Delegaciones Regionales y Gecales de Córdoba, Rosario, Santa Fe, Paraná, Concordia y Resistencia, agrupadas en la Regional Centro – ATE – MTEySS, han resuelto convocar a un paro de 48hs para los días 18 y 19 del corriente.La medida de fuerza es consecuencia de la falta de respuestas satisfactorias a nuestros reclamos:
· Recomposición salarial de $1000 de carácter urgente. Recomposición salarial para los sectores nacionales más atrasados (Personal Civil de las FFAA y SINEP)·
Regularization of all temporary contracts (fixed term monotributistas) of the public administration nacional.Este unemployment responds more organization to the continued silence of our authorities. We believe that we must stay in the fight to impose a fair negotiation that respects our role as workers and our representation sindical.Nos convened for Wednesday 18 to perform an active strike, with various public, to inform the public the blatant contradiction in incurring the ministry of the "8000 conflicts resolved" by refusing to respond to the conflict of their workers. On Thursday 19 mode will stop without assistance to trabajo.Asismismo more we remind our authorities that there is no single public policy that is viable without the efforts of workers and therefore require that we consider as the essential gear of the state and in such sentidoAcompañamos recozca us with our measures those made in the rest of the country, both inside the CABA. Ours is a single conflict, a single claim, a single fist pounding from the unity of the workers. *************************************************
Suburbs Regional
************************* MTEySS
ATE 48-hour strike Wednesday 18 and Thursday 19 May
as resolved in the assemblies developed in the workplace, DR and Gecal Lomas de Zamora, DR and Gecal San Martín, Gecal La Matanza, and Gecal La Plata, the Regional Suburbs Working ATE Resolved
- Adhering and actively participate in the strike to watch General Assembly proposed by the Board ATE Internal Labour.
- Foster a stop for 48 hours (Wednesday 18 and Thursday 19) with mobilization to the headquarters of the Ministry of Labor on Wednesday 18, located at Alem 650, Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires, to actively participate in the vigil proposal.
need an urgent response to our legitimate demands
WEDNESDAY 18: PARO and initiation of VIGIL
According to the decision in the General Assembly held on Wednesday 11, attended by approximately 150 classmates tomorrow Wednesday 18 and Thursday 19 May we will be undertaking the following measures of strength:
24 hours (from 0 and up to 24)
12 hours: Concentration in the door of Alem 650.
13 hours, we started our vigil, waiting for concrete solutions to our demands
(in tomorrow inform the schedule of activities planned under the Vigil).
* THURSDAY 19 / 5:
13 hours: Closed VIGIL, with action in front of Alem 650 (for the rest of the country, we propose that in this day and time ASSEMBLIES made in the workplace).
Finally, we clarify in particular that in the case of units of the Central Region of the country (Córdoba, Rosario, Santa Fe, Paraná, Concordia and Resistance), Greater Buenos Aires and La Plata (see announcement below), decision majority of the assemblies of those places, unemployment will be extended by 48 hours (Wednesday 18 and Thursday 19), a resolution that has the absolute support of the relevant Sectional ATE in these districts and our International Board.
Now more than ever, we invite all colleagues to join and participate. Among
everyone can and will succeed. **********************************************
( Announcements disseminate de las Regionales Centro del país y Conurbano bonaerense de ATE-Trabajo)
Regional Centro MTEySSConvoca Paro Nacional de 48 horas: Miércoles 18 y Jueves 19 de mayoLas Delegaciones Regionales y Gecales de Córdoba, Rosario, Santa Fe, Paraná, Concordia y Resistencia, agrupadas en la Regional Centro – ATE – MTEySS, han resuelto convocar a un paro de 48hs para los días 18 y 19 del corriente.La medida de fuerza es consecuencia de la falta de respuestas satisfactorias a nuestros reclamos:
· Recomposición salarial de $1000 de carácter urgente. Recomposición salarial para los sectores nacionales más atrasados (Personal Civil de las FFAA y SINEP)·
Regularization of all temporary contracts (fixed term monotributistas) of the public administration nacional.Este unemployment responds more organization to the continued silence of our authorities. We believe that we must stay in the fight to impose a fair negotiation that respects our role as workers and our representation sindical.Nos convened for Wednesday 18 to perform an active strike, with various public, to inform the public the blatant contradiction in incurring the ministry of the "8000 conflicts resolved" by refusing to respond to the conflict of their workers. On Thursday 19 mode will stop without assistance to trabajo.Asismismo more we remind our authorities that there is no single public policy that is viable without the efforts of workers and therefore require that we consider as the essential gear of the state and in such sentidoAcompañamos recozca us with our measures those made in the rest of the country, both inside the CABA. Ours is a single conflict, a single claim, a single fist pounding from the unity of the workers. *************************************************
Suburbs Regional
************************* MTEySS
ATE 48-hour strike Wednesday 18 and Thursday 19 May
as resolved in the assemblies developed in the workplace, DR and Gecal Lomas de Zamora, DR and Gecal San Martín, Gecal La Matanza, and Gecal La Plata, the Regional Suburbs Working ATE Resolved
- Adhering and actively participate in the strike to watch General Assembly proposed by the Board ATE Internal Labour.
- Foster a stop for 48 hours (Wednesday 18 and Thursday 19) with mobilization to the headquarters of the Ministry of Labor on Wednesday 18, located at Alem 650, Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires, to actively participate in the vigil proposal.
Paschal Candle In The Methodist Church
The 4th Plenary Plenary General Workers Corps Artistic-Technical and delegates of Companies Officers of the Argentine State, which met in the city of Salta, in the month of March, unanimously resolved to conduct a national campaign to support workers Colon Theatre. This day will be held with various events throughout the length and breadth of the country under the slogan: "We are all the Teatro Colón "....
To this end, our city, on May 24, just before the 102 anniversary of Columbus, has proposed to hold an event with massive in Plaza de Mayo, from 12am.
have already confirmed the participation number body art from around the country.
This is another example of the immense solidarity received from our colleagues across Argentina, during the long conflict with the management we García Caffi and Macri PP in Columbus.
Recall that the conflict remains unresolved, and its consequences are still in force: 25 active summary, eight opinions of unemployment, lawsuit 55 million dollars against eight employees of the theater, insufficient wage proposal and the assets of discounted February without refund.
is why on May 24, all workers in the Teatro Colón must say this! in the Plaza de Mayo. Understand that this event is made by and for us. Our response must be to match. Internal Board
ATE - Teatro Colón Teatro Colón Workers
The 4th Plenary Plenary General Workers Corps Artistic-Technical and delegates of Companies Officers of the Argentine State, which met in the city of Salta, in the month of March, unanimously resolved to conduct a national campaign to support workers Colon Theatre. This day will be held with various events throughout the length and breadth of the country under the slogan: "We are all the Teatro Colón "....
To this end, our city, on May 24, just before the 102 anniversary of Columbus, has proposed to hold an event with massive in Plaza de Mayo, from 12am.
have already confirmed the participation number body art from around the country.
This is another example of the immense solidarity received from our colleagues across Argentina, during the long conflict with the management we García Caffi and Macri PP in Columbus.
Recall that the conflict remains unresolved, and its consequences are still in force: 25 active summary, eight opinions of unemployment, lawsuit 55 million dollars against eight employees of the theater, insufficient wage proposal and the assets of discounted February without refund.
is why on May 24, all workers in the Teatro Colón must say this! in the Plaza de Mayo. Understand that this event is made by and for us. Our response must be to match. Internal Board
ATE - Teatro Colón Teatro Colón Workers
Tuesday, May 17, 2011
Tight Girdles For Men
On 11, 12 and May 13 Educational Days were held for 25 years SUTEBA Education Region IX (Moreno, San Miguel, Malvinas Argentinas José C. Paz).
on day 11 the day had its local counterpart CENCAL facilities, while 12 and 13 of them were developed in the UNGS.
Before an audience packed to overflowing with plants and over 300 education workers met with members of social, educational authorities and trade associations to celebrate the first quarter century of the labor union.
La Jornada developed Moreno was not only very emotional because it reminded comrades that are no longer physically, as Maria Cristina Cournou-disappeared during the dictatorship, "Miguel Etchegoyen, Myriam Borgonovo, Marco Di Pieri; Horacio Becerra, Anna Gatti, "Nanín" Svetlich Orlando, Pedro Kaszyeki, and Argentine-founder of SUTEBA Valenzuela Moreno Branch.
After the first day, Mariana Cattaneo (Secretary General of SUTEBA Moreno) expressed satisfaction exulting in his face, asked about it said "we begin a journey of reconstructing the history of the birth of our branch together with our brothers and sisters" in the same line said "we could make a deserved tribute to those comrades who have preceded us in the struggle for a different country and no longer with us physically, teachers, artists, social activists in the district. "
Days After the UNGS where more than 700 teachers from four districts, where part of a space training with exhibitors and Hugo Yasky, Eduardo Rinessi, Stella Maldonado and Pablo Llonto among others and also had space for reflection on educational practice, the young trade union leader said "they are indispensable training spaces and discussion groups where they can listen to diverse voices and topics, where classmates and teachers to think about taking your work project account the complex reality around us and the wonderful historical time that we have to star in many Latin American countries, "concluded
Mariana Cattaneo
CTA Secretary General
Merlo-Moreno Regional
Monday, May 16, 2011
Home Remedies For Geographic Tongue
Young Cooperators Program.
Edition XXII
Edition XXII
Cooperative Youth Program. You can view the information via:
Wrist Hurts When I Move My Thumb
Edition XXII Comprehensive Programs for Young and Older than 45 years in Spain.
On May 13 and May 16 this year, have been published in the Boja :
- ORDER of April 28, 2011, by approving Comprehensive Employment Program for Young People in Andalusia and amending Orders are cited.
- ORDER of April 28, 2011, laying
- approves Comprehensive Employment Program for Persons Over
- 45 years in Andalusia and amending the Order quoted
Friday, May 13, 2011
North Carolina Singlet
Cardiology Diagnostic Methods in New Ways
An excellent talk given by Dr. Fabian Ruiz cardiologist University Hospital North.
Link to NEJM
An excellent talk given by Dr. Fabian Ruiz cardiologist University Hospital North.
Link to NEJM
Tuesday, May 10, 2011
Where Can I Get Nfl Blinds
Pr @ xis 2 edition. Sevilla Province
candidate or candidates are considered (among other requirements), people who have university degree or higher Media obtained is not more than three years in the following degrees:
candidate or candidates are considered (among other requirements), people who have university degree or higher Media obtained is not more than three years in the following degrees:
- Engineers / as computer.
- technical engineering in computer systems.
- degree in technical engineering in computer management.
- Engineers / as industrial and industrial design.
- industrial engineering / industrial design.
- degree in business administration and management.
- Diploma in Business Studies. Bachelor
- research and marketing techniques.
- Law degree.
- Degree in environmental science.
- Communication Studies graduates.
As reported in the call, " The candidates to" Manager of Innovation in SMEs Seville "must register and submit their curriculum vitae to the reference Managers of Innovation or in reference innovation managers of (only one) before 26 May 2011. "
can see full information Pr @ xis 2 edition .
Sunday, May 8, 2011
Can You Overdose On Listerine
ARDS and ventilatory
On May 6 this year, Dr Jorge Bustos reviewed the case of a patient with ARDS secondary to severe sepsis of urinary origin which is handling intensive care unit of the hospital in APRV mode with appropriate developments.
Link to the presentation
Link to NEJM articles reviewed
On May 6 this year, Dr Jorge Bustos reviewed the case of a patient with ARDS secondary to severe sepsis of urinary origin which is handling intensive care unit of the hospital in APRV mode with appropriate developments.
Link to the presentation
Link to NEJM articles reviewed
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