I am outraged every time I hear on the radio the girl's shrill little voice saying" Coca, marijuana and poppy killed. Do not cultivate kills kills. " How is it possible that the lords of the National Narcotics Directorate, who are supposed to be people who know about drugs in the country, to demonize the voice of a small planting of plants alone are harmless? Neither
coca or marijuana or opium poppies, kill, the killing is war. These are plants that have been used for centuries as a medicinal and ritual, with thousands of properties beneficial to human beings at different levels. It seems that the DNE not understand that the real problem is the war that has been created to control corridors and trade routes of illegal drugs as cocaine or heroin, which the plants are just one of many inputs. These are also ingredients of acetone or gasoline, or think they're going to ban the use of enamel remover or DNE officials finish switching to an electric car.
The real problem is not the plants. Bullets kill and no one thinks to campaign against lead. More people kill the actions and reactions of Democratic Security that a farmer growing plants inoculated with harmless. More kills glyphosate and chemical methods of eradication, which can save the traditions and ancestral knowledge on the use of plants.
No. coca, marijuana and poppy do not kill. Kills people and kills ignorance, and kill more, when they are so arrogant as bold.
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